Sleep. Wait, what does that mean? Needless to say our Stella Princess most definitely didn't wait to let us know who was boss..she took care of business right away. Right from the start while we were still in the hospital she was not giving us much sleep.
We were in the hospital for 2 long days. When we were finally able to go home we had a lot of help. THANK GOODNESS!! We were defiantly taken care of and were SO thankful to have so much support and help so we could get some sleep!!! She very much so has her nights and days mixed up...for a very long time. About the first 5 1/2 months of her life! Till she was about 6 months old she was waking up 5-7 times A NIGHT!! It was so hard. We did whatever we possibly could to get her to sleep longer...nothing worked!!! The only sure thing that consistently worked nigh after night was putting her in her car seat while daddy stood in the middle of the living room swinging it, while mom had a breakdown on the couch Arm workout! For all the other mommy and daddy's out there who have the same baby sleep solution, you defiantly want to check out this car seat swing!!! So a lot of our day times hours were sent like this...
It took a good solid 6 months to get Stella on a "schedule". She is almost 9 months now I can more confidently say "This is her schedule". Boom, boom and boom. It has been a long road to the 7:15 p.m. (on the kidding) bed time, to an all nights, possibly one time wake up, sleep (unless the paci goes missing.....the paci CANNOT go missing!! so we have a spare one in the corner of her crib for emergencies) :). She did sleep...a lot...just not at night!!!
Of course, we were very excited to start dressing her up in all of her pretty little bows and outfit we so patiently stared at and organized for months!

A few of her new born photos! (Day time photo of course, she slept through the whole thing!)
Grandma and Grandpa went to one of the San Francisco Giants World Series games...She had to show her support...
Mommy and Daddy Love!!!
The Bumbo was something i really liked. It bought me just enough time to slap some councilor under my eyes, or change into my jammies......and apparently, doubled as a comfy spot for a cat nap.
Now this is just too cute to not share.
Jeggings, Shoes Carters (last summer)
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