Saturday, May 25, 2013

Catch Up Part 2

As the same for many new parents, this is what our Saturday nights turned in to. And oh how we love it!
Stella has about 1,000 bows but this always seems to be our go to one! Its our fave! (at target)
Each day that I do not have work we always try to go on a walk. Stella loves walks SO much! She is perfectly silent the whole entire time, eyes wide open, and more then half of the time arms stuck out stick straight..this being the way she shows her excitement!
Her first ride in the big girl seat of a cart!!! She was sliding all over the place!!!
Defiantly one of my favorite outfits she has!

hat, socks, pants and sweater from Janie and Jack last Fall 

Tea Party time!!!! 6 AM Every morning for about 2 months!! This is the cutest little toy, the tea pot has a few different settings with different noises and songs, it comes with a tray and three treats and two tea cups!
And it starts... she's learning to be mobile!
  We started trying out new yummy foods!

Went on more walks
Got cuter and cuter
romper was hand made, chair,  lace hair clip, pillow (home goods)

Stella does pretty good with sun glasses! We defiantly have to remind her every now and again (aka every 8 seconds) to not touch them...but she listens! She has a few different styles of sun glasses and one of my tricks depending on what style they are, I tuck them under the sides of her elastic headband to stay on!
sunglasses, cherry romper janie and jack (last year) cardigan 

 My two Lover Bears!!!
 Pass the rolling, pass the scooting, learned to crawl like a champ, and now... she's mastered the stair! And I know she's totally thinking "Mom...I got it will you stop telling me to be careful?!)
 Now pass the crawling...she's standing up...ON EVERYTHING!!!
Oh ya...even in the middle of the night.
From beginning to now! Your all caught up! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This is my first visit to your blog:) I'm a new follower for sure! Our baby girls name is Stella, Stells, Stelly:) your sweet Stella is a doll! Our Stella just turned 5 mths.

    I'm starting from the beginning as I do with all new blogs I follow. Can you tell me how old Stella is in this pic?
