Notice the :(?
This Wednesday weekend was a little different, Zach started his internship for Paramedic school. Very bitter sweet, so happy he has started the last part of Paramedic school, but oh so sad that he now has no days off!
So, we pretty much hung out around the house most of the 'weekend'. More spaghetti squash!! Stell loves her some spaghetti squash!
Hey Dad, I mean Stella...Its the dinner table, not your bed! My Dad can fall asleep ANYWHERE! In the middle of a conversation I'll look over and think, much did he NOT hear?! Because he's asleep!!! We were both eating our spaghetti squash and next thing I knew she was slouching really far off to the side, then started laying her head on the tray.
It was making me laugh, but I had to get some pictures of it so I was trying not to laugh hard, every time I tried holding a laugh in she would hear me and crack an eye open and see I was laughing, and she would start to crack up! Never lifted her head though!
And we're out!
It was my Sisters Birthday!!! The big 27!!!!! Some of the fam met after she got off work and went out to dinner. Is she not stunning?!
Now if your silly enough to let someone take a picture of you like this...You kinda deserve it to be posted! I told ya, stunning!
Auntie and her Best Friend, Stella girl. Seriously, I do not know what we did before this little Beauty was in our lives!!!
Cheese!! Happy Thursday!! Can anyone else see the dracula tooth coming in before the two front teeth on top?! Makes for an awefuly funny smile.
Shes finally getting enough hair to get a little bit of bed head! And I love it!!

And this picture! To die for!! She laid across me and just hung out while I drank my coffee and watched the Today Show.
Dont get too snuggle jealous, it only lasted about 2 minutes!
And since Zach started school...Mom has to pull some Dad duties..Tornado Maverick duty...
In the clean up fashion of Maverick (our dog) shredding one of my outdoor seat cushions- right on, thanks Mavi!, as you can see the cotton in the background, we spent some time outside! Anyway, Iv only used this pack and play one time on an over night trip to Monterey for Stella to sleep in but today she loved it! She played in it so nice, she stood up and watched me load the garbage bag full of my precious lawn cushion. And then, bubbles. We stayed outside and watched Mavi chase bubbles around! Bliss....
Hurry up Paramedic School, your family misses you already!